Benefits of Tai Chi
Tai Chi, Qi-Gong, and Meditation's benefits are many -- their practice increases balance, strength, cardiovascular health and recently was shown to increase the size of our brain. Scroll to learn more about the physical and mental health benefits of Tai Chi!

Healing with Tai Chi
Don't let the slow graceful ease of movement fool you. Tai Chi, known as a moving meditation, has been a powerful weapon for longevity, vitality and healing since its development hundreds of years ago. Chi is that which animates all life. We all have chi flowing through our bodies. Becoming aware of it and also how to increase it brings healing to our body, mind and emotions -- it teaches us a very different way of living with emotional or physical stress.
Scientists have studied the various effects of Tai Chi and research is proving the anecdotal evidence Tai Chi masters such as Master Pat Hancock have been witnessing from the beginning such as:
People heal because Tai Chi increases immune function
Gaining strength in muscles and bones because Tai Chi is a weight bearing exercise that increases circulation and moderates blood pressure
Tai Chi increases mental clarity due to the development of new neural pathways in the brain and nervous system
Tai Chi practice brings a deeper sense of the body's connection to emotion and therefore Tai Chi relieves anxiety.
All classes begin with light stretching and Qi Gong. Qi Gong helps students to coordinate their breath with movement which is necessary in Tai Chi practice. Qi Gong also starts the healing process as it encourages deep relaxation and the flow of Qi.
​Qi Gong exercises are designed to invigorate and balance the function of major organs and systems of your body and effectively stimulate the flow of energy throughout your body, releasing blockages which cause pain discomfort, and fatigue. The exercises strengthen and adjust your spine and address all the major joints in the body such as shoulders, hips, knees and ankles. Qi Gong practice keeps your body in a continuous state of healing and supports rigorous exercise and facilitates greater focus. The ancient art of Qi Gong is known to help balance all of the body’s regulatory systems such as digestive, circulatory, endocrine, respiratory and musculoskeletal.